Areas of Practice



Nelson Law Offices will represent you or your business in Contract drafting, negotiation and litigation if necessary. Our office has consistently represented both businesses and individuals, from construction companies and computer companies to attorneys and restaurants.  We understand the pitfalls and enforceability of noncompetition agreements and the nuances of asset purchase agreements and franchise agreements.  We have represented sellers and buyers of restaurants, medical practices and corporations.  

Real Estate


Nelson Law Offices has extensive Real Estate experience from a simple vacant land contract to multiunit commercial sales and purchases.  Residential and commercial real estate have been a cornerstone of our practice since day one.  We not only represent parties in purchasing and selling, we also represent landlords and commercial tenants.  We have experience in 1031 exchanges and work closely with title companies.  We can absolutely assist in the purchase of your home or the negotiation of the purchase of a large commercial space with multiple tenants.  We have extensive experience in reviewing and drafting leases, as well as litigating on behalf of commercial clients.

Corporate Representation


Nelson Law Offices, as an integral part of its practice, form, maintains and represents small businesses.  We have extensive experience in Corporate/LLC/Partnership formation and will work to ensure that your business remains in good standing.  We have represented hundreds of corporations, LLCs and partnerships since 2002.  We routinely draft all necessary documents for the entities, such as operating agreements, minutes and bylaws.  We also work closely with accountants to determine which entity is right for your needs.



Nelson Law Offices has successfully represented businesses and individuals in substantial lawsuits ranging from contract dispute to company breakup.  We represent both plaintiffs and defendants and vigorously prosecute and defend the claims that our clients bring to us.  Our dedication to our clients has brought cases to our firm that would normally be handled by much bigger firms.   Another benefit of our firm is that we maintain a personal relationship with our clients – so that our clients always know exactly what is happening with their case.   Our business litigation experience also extends to Chancery disputes between business owners such as Dissolution and Dissociation. 

Family Law


Nelson Law Offices brings a different approach to family law/divorce litigation.  We believe and understand that divorce is quite possibly the most stressful and unfortunate event that will occur in your life.  We do not intend on creating more stress for you during this period.  Representing businesses has given us a different approach to divorce representation – one that focuses on treating most divorce cases like a business negotiation.  It is our experience that your divorce does not need added drama through an attorney who elevates your emotions and encourages drama.  We believe that you should walk away from your divorce with as much money and property as possible.  We strive to cut through the minutia of divorce.  Children are a different story however – we will never suggest or negotiate a resolution which could put your children in harm’s way.